When it comes to putting together an advice guide on how to perform autofellatio, one person really isn’t enough. As much as I might research and find how-to information, tips, and tricks online, there are major limits in what I can do. Only when a lot of people with differing experience come together will a truly complete guide result.
Because of this, I’m announcing a new initiative, The Ultimate Autofellatio Guide, a wiki-based site where those of you with experience can come together to help create the ultimate guide for those want to learn.
I’ve begun by adding the current guide from this blog into the wiki and expanding it significantly. What I have done should serve as a great starting place, but everyone is free (and encouraged) to edit and expand the wiki!
The wiki is located at http://selfsuck.shoutwiki.com/ and is ready for your contributions!
If you run a Tumblr blog or other website that relates to autofellatio and want to be a ‘co-sponsor’ of the Wiki (it won’t cost anything and would basically be promoting the wiki on your site and getting a link back to your site from the wiki), e-mail me at selfsucksite@gmail.com and we’ll talk.