You may remember the post from June 3rd in which I solicited advice for a follower on how to swallow cum.
The following response comes from Dennis:
The guy said he could come in his mouth, but couldn’t bring himself to swallow. We swallow snot and saliva every day and don’t think anything about it. This is a lot more nutritious! It’s just a question of mind over matter.
If it’s about the taste, that’s usually easy to remedy. Fresh pineapple, kiwi, melon, apple, mango, any sweet pulpy fruit consumed on a daily basis will vastly improve the flavor. In the absence of whole fruit, an 8 oz. glass of pineapple juice daily will suffice. Add a daily stalk of celery to cleanse any unpleasant flavors from stronger foods or beverages. Sprinkle wheat germ liberally over cereal or other foods. Depending on the frequency of activity, a guy should notice a real change in the course of a couple weeks, but then you have to keep these things as a part of your diet forever. That’s not a bad thing, because they’re all really good for you. I figure anything that’s makes the product taste better has gotta be doing good things for the rest of you.
After you get past that mental barrier and swallow the first time or two, you’ll never bother spitting again. Your Kleenex and laundry bills should go down as smoothly as your load. And you’ll qualify for one of our bumper stickers: “WE INVENTED RECYCLING!”
Thank you for the detailed advice! I wish the best of luck to isukmydick in getting over his apprehensions…